With 2012 starting tomorrow I have a bunch of goals on my achieve list. A few of them are improving my times on races I did last year as well as compete in my first Xterra triathlon. Sure it's easy to write down goals and dream big, my goals are not so far out there they can't be obtained with some hard effort and strong determination. I look forward to the new year with great expectations.
Here is wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Good news from the Doctor
A few weeks back I had an MRI done on my right ankle, as it has been bothering me when running, swimming and riding the bike. The pain started last summer during training as I would "click" out of my pedal while at stop signs. I thought the pain would go away, but with a little off time from training. I decided to let the doctor look at. The hardest part of the MRI was holding still for 30 minutes after having two huge cups of coffee. Last week the doctor explained what the MRI found and glad to report it can be helped with physical therapy and that I have an extra muscle on the inside and outside of my ankle. With it not bothering my this far, the doctor said there was no need for surgery and just need to check back with him in a month. Training has moved indoors for the time being with the colder weather. I am looking forward to a great 2012 getting stronger and faster in the water and on the road either on the bike or running. Here is to a healthy Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be a great year.
Monday, December 5, 2011
"The Stick"
"The Stick", a tool I use to warm up and recover from workouts day in and day out.
Sure there are foam rollers out there, but "The Stick" is what you want. The best, self massage tool for runners and triathletes.
Sure there are foam rollers out there, but "The Stick" is what you want. The best, self massage tool for runners and triathletes.
"the stick",
map my run,
the stick,
warm up
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Photos Photos Photos from the past month
Finishing SOMA Half Iron holding my 4-year-old son.
Feeling the effects of over hydration. I learned a lot that day.
SOMA swim exit after taking the wet suit off.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
Feeling the effects of over hydration. I learned a lot that day.
SOMA swim exit after taking the wet suit off.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
2011 Ironman Arizona Tempe Mayor's Charity Challenge.
heart rate monitor,
ironman arizona,
mayor's challenge,
openwater swimming,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
6th is not so bad
Thursday Nov. 17, 2011, I competed in the Ironman Arizona Mayor's Charity Challenge. Was excited to race even if it would be for a short distance of 1/100 of the Ironman distance. The swim of just over 20 yards I came out of the water first and on to my bike, provided by a local bike shop, with all riders riding the same type of beach cruiser. Off on the ride, a 1.12 mile course, in first still until just about half way I was passed by one person. Into the transition I was still in second. Then off on the run where I lost 5 positions on the .26 mile run. The race was super fast and I did it all wearing my wetsuit, goggles, shoes, and helmet. No time for anything extra in transitions. The winner was given a $2000 check from the Ironman Foundation, but all participants received $200 for their charity they were competing for. Mine happen to be for the Pedal Power Foundation, whose mission is to expand the opportunities to improve a child's life one bicycle at a time. My fellow photographer Darryl Webb took some awesome photos of the very quick event.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tempe Mayor's Ironman Charity Challenge 2011
Mayor's Ironman Charity Challenge video from this year.
Mayor's Ironman Charity Challenge video from 2010
Mayor's Ironman Charity Challenge video from 2010
ironman arizona,
mayor's challenge,
super sprint,
tempe town lake,
tin man,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Looking back at what went wrong.
I believe the training for my half-iron race was perfect. With most of my training in the summer and the hot months here in Arizona, I thought I was prepared for the heat that would hit on race day. The temperature hit 97 degrees. The morning of I started to drink just a little bit more water than normally to take in account for the heat that would rise during the race. I thought my nutrition and liquid intake was good until the last 10 miles of the bike, I took in to much liquid which made my run tank my goal time of just around 6 hours. The heat and sun also took a toll on my time.
I have a few running races to finish out the year, but all in all it was a very successful year, with a great 2012 just around the corner.
heart rate monitor,
power bar,
powerbar team elite,
race report,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Swiftwick Socks
Just the right amount of compression in these socks along with fast drying Olefin fiber keeping my feet very comfortable and worry free of getting blisters. The compression is not only found in the foot part of the sock, but the ankle too. The thin, not bulky feel is perfect inside my running shoes and even my cycling cleats. I used to like a thicker cushion in my running socks but those days are gone. If you have not tried a pair, you need to. With the holidays just around the corner, get a pair for yourself and give them away as gifts.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
All about the Family
After a hard day in the sun, Sunday during the SOMA half-iron race, running across the finish line with my son made the finish line much sweeter. My son was not yet awake when I left the house to get to the race site, however he knew I was racing. He helped me the day before pick up my packet and drop off my bike at the transition. A little over three hours into the race I seen my wife with our daughter and son on the bike course. I reached out and gave my son a "high-five". I was excited to see them out there. I started to think how excited my son was but then thought its going to be awhile until I get around the course again to see them. My son has been there when I got home after early morning workouts where he would ask me, "Dad did you go riding on the mountain?" or "Dad did you go running?". During my training he also came along with my brother and paddled along in a kayak while I did an open water swim. After the run course I knew my wife with our kids would be waiting near the finish line. About 100 yards out from the line, I spotted them and like in previous years, I picked up my son and ran carrying him across the finish with me. He was all smiles and super excited. When it comes down to it, it is my family that allows me to go out and training and compete. Longer races mean more time out training. I hope one day my son will want to give doing a triathlon a try, who knows maybe he can carry me across the finish line to share the excitement with him.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio quest,
race report,
soma half-ironman,
Monday, October 24, 2011
SOMA Half Iron Race Report
My day started off at 4am with myself waking up before my alarm I had set for 4:15. Gathered my tri bag and protein drink before heading out the door.
Arrived to the transition just about 5:15 with my wave of race starting at 6:40. I had time to get my tires inflated after removing the air in them due to the the daytime heat while I dropped my bike off in transition the day before. Place my nutrition bottles and gels on my bike and prepared the rest of the my transition area. I was able to get a short run in just before putting on my wet suit to head down to the lake's edge for the start.
Got in the water about 4 minutes before my wave was to go off. I was able to get adjusted to the water by hanging onto a boat nearby getting my goggles and cap situated. The horn sounded and I was off, literally into the what would be the sunrise to the east in Tempe Town Lake. The counter-clockwise loop was very well marked and pretty easy to navigate. I was brushed here and there by other swimmers by the swim was not to physical. I made the corner of the first turn just as the sun was popping over the horizon, so headed back west shortly the sun would be at my back.
Got the end and was helped out on the stairs and quickly laid down to have the wet suit crew help me remove the suit and ran into T1.
Started my Mio Quest with GPS, pulled on a set of arm sleeves to help protect from the sun that was already up, put on a pair of socks, grabbed my helmet and sunglasses and was out to the bike start. As I started on the bike course within the first 2 miles I got my gels moved from atop my handlebars to my pockets on my tri-top and slipped my feet into my shoes. The course was three laps of a roughly 18. 6 mile course. On the first lap I came across two emergency vehicles tending to fallen riders. The part of the course they were on was filled with tight fast corners. The wind started picking up as the course moved east. I stayed tuck in the aero position if not taking a U-turn on the course or tight turn. I was happy with my pace and was monitoring what my Mio Quest was letting my know about my heart-rate in the zone I wanted to stay in. I knew that on the hills, which there was a few on the course, would make my heart-rate rise. On the second lap, about 3 miles into it, I heard a sound behind me, sounding like I might have dropped a water bottle or something. I turned back and seen it was my tire pump. Dang! I didn't turn around and grab it, yet was risking getting a flat and wishing I would have turned back. I went the whole lap thankfully without getting a flat and stopped and picked it up, as it was still laying where it fell. Stashed it in my pocket and kept on moving. My nutrition plan had me feeling really good on the entire bike, coming into the bike to run transition. Stopped my Mio Quest watch and saved the information from the bike course. Racked my bike and slipped on my shoes. I then started up my Mio Quest for the run portion of the race, heading out of transition grabbing some water as I did. Then it hit me, I had hit the wall and hard. I was not going to make my time I was hoping for or told my wife I would be finishing in. My average pace on the run, or walk was just a little over 16 minute miles. The heat of the day was killing me. The temperature was nearing 97 degrees. I just could not get my running going. At every aid station along the run I would grab about three cups of ice water. One to drink, one to pour on my head, and the other to wet my arm sleeves to help cool me down. The course was two laps of the same loop. I was way beyond my projected finish but my wife was waiting near the finish. About 100 yards from the finish my wife and kids were waiting. I grabbed my son and ran across the finish line holding him telling him to hold his arms up. I finished, but it wasn't the way I planned in my head as to how the day would unfold. The heat really took a toll on me. I want to thank the numerous family members and friends who helped me train over the past 6 months along with Mio Watch, PowerBar, "The Stick", H2O Audio, RecoFit Compression Components, Swiftwick socks, Sportique Skin Care and Emergen-C. A little recovery then back to training.
Swim time
Bike time
Run time
Total time for the
1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Yes, I am starting to get a little excited for Sunday's race. Saturday I will drop off my bike during the packet pick up and figure out what race number they have issued me. This week I have been sleeping pretty good and I am felling calm and relaxed during my workouts. I have a few training sessions left before Sunday. All me equipment is in perfect working order so I have nothing to worry about there. Will start packing my nutrition bag tonight and start laying out the clothes I plan on wearing, I know its not until Sunday, but I have a habit of forgetting things when my brain is getting focused.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio quest,
powerbar team elite,
soma half iron,
soma half-ironman,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Mio software
I have had a few question and wanted to address them here. Gathering info from the Mio Quest is very simple. Above is a sample of the data captured on a ride I did on Monday. The map is just one of the features. Also you can track your Waypoints, Heart Rate and Speed, as well as a summary of all your workouts. If you want, you can also save the file and import it to your MapMyRun account if you have one. All of which is very easy.
Race day game plan coming together
I am shooting for beating my previous time in this distance by 30 min, yes a half hour. I am looking for the bike and run portions at keeping my heart rate in Zone 3 (64-76%) of my MHR, of course wearing my Mio Watch Quest to help me monitor this. I have set the alarm on the watch to alert me if I go under or over my target heart rate of 137-152 bpm.
My swim should be stronger and a little faster and the weather I am expecting to be a little cooler. The bike I plan on being very relaxed and not pushing too hard knowing I want to keep my legs as possible fresh for the run.
My son with a PowerBar smile after paddling along side me in a kayak with my brother, while I did an open water training swim of just over 1.5 miles.
Of course what I have been using for fuel in training is exactly what I will use on course, PowerBar gels, Gel Blasts and PowerBar Restore(a carb/protein blend) drink.
Over the past 4 months I have been taking as directed, a PowerBar supplement Beta Alanine to increase muscle carnosine which buffers muscle acids and reduces muscle burn and fatigue.
Over the next two weeks I know nerves will set in and sleepless nights will occur as I finish my training program and prepare for race day.
I am excited to get out on the course and rip it up.
My swim should be stronger and a little faster and the weather I am expecting to be a little cooler. The bike I plan on being very relaxed and not pushing too hard knowing I want to keep my legs as possible fresh for the run.
My son with a PowerBar smile after paddling along side me in a kayak with my brother, while I did an open water training swim of just over 1.5 miles.
Of course what I have been using for fuel in training is exactly what I will use on course, PowerBar gels, Gel Blasts and PowerBar Restore(a carb/protein blend) drink.
Over the past 4 months I have been taking as directed, a PowerBar supplement Beta Alanine to increase muscle carnosine which buffers muscle acids and reduces muscle burn and fatigue.
Over the next two weeks I know nerves will set in and sleepless nights will occur as I finish my training program and prepare for race day.
I am excited to get out on the course and rip it up.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Dry feet are happy feet
Swiftwick makes awesome socks for keeping your feet dry no matter how long your ride or run may be. I love the compression feel helping my feet fight fatigue. I have begun to run through my transition from swim to bike. For my next race, a half-iron distance I will be wearing socks on the bike, due to the distance. A tip I do with socks make them just a bit easier to put on in transition is to wear the socks I will race in the day before and the morning of the race. It's a trick that has worked for me, trying to keep my transitions as quick as possible.
soma half-ironman,
Thursday, October 6, 2011
"The Stick"
I'm excited to announce great news as "The Stick" has agreed to support me as a sponsored athlete. I have been using this device since taking on training for my first marathon. I look forward to sharing with you the tips a tricks using this tool to improve feeling better before and after workouts. It's simple and easy to use, just relaxing watching t.v. or anywhere. I look forward to sharing how I use "The Stick" and give ideas as to how you too can include its use in your training and workouts.
Monday, October 3, 2011
2 weeks ahead of schedule is better than being behind
After sitting down last week, I found out I am two weeks ahead of schedule on my training program. How did that happen? I guess I started the program two weeks early I was so excited to get it going. More long rides and runs then for the next two weekends, thats for sure. Anyway, last weekend I had two of my best training sessions, all keeping my heart rate in Zone 2 using my Mio Watch Quest with GPS. An open water swim for just over 1.5 miles and a 40 mile ride. The ride had a few hiccups with a flat tire, then when I was changing it realized I had worn the back tire down to seeing threads in the tread. Both tire and tube have been changed and while I was at it slapped a new chain on the ride too. I have been meaning to swap out the old chain for awhile and had just a little extra maintenance time over the weekend. I now have a few weeks to break the new gear in before race day, which a quick ride after the installation was smooth.
mio global,
mio watch,
soma half-ironman,
Friday, September 23, 2011
A month away from race day
Race day is a month away and training is going smooth. I have started to make some mental notes as to how I will approach the race. Overall, I am looking to improve my personal best half-iron distance time by 30 minutes. Since my last race, at this distance, I have become a stronger swimmer, as well as, I am going into it with more knowledge on my nutrition both pre-race and during.
Fall is finally here and the sun is rising a little later everyday. This makes for a dark start to an early ride, and starting to get a little cooler here in Arizona.
Fall is finally here and the sun is rising a little later everyday. This makes for a dark start to an early ride, and starting to get a little cooler here in Arizona.
half iron,
powerbar team elite,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sportique body care
For the past month I have been using and testing Sportique body care products. I am very impressed with the whole line of skin care products. I will get into detail about the full line of skin care products later, but right now I wanted to focus on CENTURY RIDING CREAM, an anti-friction cream. I have been using this on my synthetic chamois and like it very much. With cooler water in the lake coming soon, I can't wait to use it on my wetsuit. Everything is all natural and the smell is pleasant and not strong or offensive.
century riding cream,
skin care,
soma half iron,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day Open Water Swim
Cutting the nose off.

I have been looking into no-nose saddles for awhile now, almost a year. Just before the Tour de France began this year The New York Times posted this article.
A few of my triathlete friends have been riding with them and I have heard nothing but positive news, as well as riders and other triathletes I follow on Twitter.
My two longer rides of the week, both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend were my two maiden voyages on the new saddle, and I have to say I am quite impressed. I am still making tweaks and adjustments and have not hit the right set up just yet.
ism seat,
no nose saddle,
no-nose saddle,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Training is going very well, as I make my plan
Training is going very well as I look forward to a three day weekend (Labor Day) to get some great workouts in. I am right on schedule with my program and feeling very strong. It will be great once the high temperatures here in Arizona fall. I have been primarily in the pool for my swimming and have planned a trip out to Canyon Lake to get some openwater swimming in.
Last night I took a look at my previous half-iron distance race time and have started to think about how I can take 30 minutes off my total time. While training this next two months I will be focusing on my plan and hope I can pull it off.
Last night I took a look at my previous half-iron distance race time and have started to think about how I can take 30 minutes off my total time. While training this next two months I will be focusing on my plan and hope I can pull it off.
Friday, August 26, 2011
It's Official
I am officially signed up for my next race. The Soma Half-Ironman distance race taking place in Tempe, Arizona, Oct. 23, 2011. Training will be paying off, as I look forward to race day and even more so every training session being kicked up a notch. Race day is a little under two months away. This race has been on my mental calendar all summer and registration took place today for myself.
red rock co.,
soma half iron,
soma half-ironman,
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Open Water Swimming
Putting good energy in your body, by using PowerBar energy bars, gels and protein bars, is a sure fire way to get the best out of it.
power bar,
powerbar protein plus,
powerbar team elite,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Miowatch Quest
I can tell you this, if you want to take your outdoor workouts to the next level, the Mio Quest is the way to do it. I have been using the GPS enabled watch for the past three weeks. It takes a little getting used to, but after looking over the instructions you will on your way, and out the door in no time. The Quest has Waypoints, which are locations you can save. After saving the location you can then rename it for easy access for locations you wish to return to later. The watch uses chest strap to gather your heart rate too.
I have been using to track my workouts, the Mio Quest. The heart rate monitor with GPS is able to be downloaded and information can be then uploaded to MapMyRun.
Stay tuned, diving deeper into using the Mio Quest in a new video coming soon.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio watch
Monday, August 15, 2011
Life goes on, training continues, learning from my mistakes and moving on.
I have lived my life being honest and truthful with everything. It's how my parents raised me and really the best way to live life. I am writing to let my friends, family and numerous followers of my blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts know the result of a video contest I entered over the summer. After sending you many email reminders, requests and begs for votes, I need to inform you all that I did not win the contest. Even after getting the most votes, which I thought -- and had many of you believing -- would help me win the contest. The contest was extended an extra 10 days to help everyone collect more votes and spread the word on social media. I guess I was wrong about trying to collect the most votes. When it came down to it, the votes were not how the contest was decided. The winner was chosen by some other method not clear to me. Whether it was voting for elementary school class president or voting taking place on a TV show to see who is cast off, voting has always been a way of deciding the outcome of many things with the end result being good or bad, right or wrong. I guess what I am trying to say is, I am sorry for wasting your time in helping me collect votes when they really never mattered. Yes, for those who are just reading this now, it was for the $500 SLiME video contest, held on their website. How can I compare this to my training and racing? Well, when I enter a race I expect the distances be measured correctly, knowing that if it's a marathon, I am running 26.2 miles, nothing shorter, nothing longer.
So life goes on, training continues, I learned from my mistakes and move on. Thank you to all my friends and family and social media followers.
So life goes on, training continues, I learned from my mistakes and move on. Thank you to all my friends and family and social media followers.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Half way there and feeling very strong
Week nine of training started yesterday and I am feeling stronger than ever. Allergy issues have gone away and it's full steam ahead.
On Sunday my workout was a bike/run brick. I think when it comes down to it, I really think this is one of the best workouts. My pace on the bike was not killer, but it still had a few hills involved. Coming off from Saturday's longer ride of nearly 40 miles I was feeling good. Stopped by my house, transitioned in to my running shoes and out the door for a quick 2 mile out and back run.
I was able Sunday to also squeeze a gym workout with weights. The lactic acid in my upper legs made for a tough start to Monday, but nothing a little massage with "The Stick" to roll out my muscles.
I have been trying to schedule some open water swims, but the pool will do for now.
On Sunday my workout was a bike/run brick. I think when it comes down to it, I really think this is one of the best workouts. My pace on the bike was not killer, but it still had a few hills involved. Coming off from Saturday's longer ride of nearly 40 miles I was feeling good. Stopped by my house, transitioned in to my running shoes and out the door for a quick 2 mile out and back run.
I was able Sunday to also squeeze a gym workout with weights. The lactic acid in my upper legs made for a tough start to Monday, but nothing a little massage with "The Stick" to roll out my muscles.
I have been trying to schedule some open water swims, but the pool will do for now.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
bounce back from allergies, tough weeks ahead
Training has been going well and am looking to turn the corner on it getting a little tougher. Last weekend I was able to get my Saturday workouts in but had to use Sunday as a recovery day. When I say recover in this instance I mean to get over a quick allergy problem. A little over the counter allergy medicine, and I have been right back at it. Swimming is moving right along with progress. Last night I worked a lot on full pulls with my arm stretching out far, then giving each stroke a full pull making sure my thumbs touched my thighs. Drills are key in perfecting ones movement in the water. Last week I used my fins, Zoomers, to help keep my speed up in the water while working on my arms. The fins give the upper leg a great workout too. Looking forward to a great weekend training with some bike/run bricks.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
An easy fix with fogging sunglasses
About 4 years back I had a pair of custom sunglasses made. The frame I chose did not have any nose pads, which was fine for the time being. However, after a few bricks of swimming and running I started to notice the lenses would fog up. While running I would take the glasses off and on to help the problem. What needed to be done was a very simple fix and it helped in two ways. I made a pair of nose pads using regular caulking, yes from the hardware store. I placed a few small circles of caulking on some wax paper of different sized until I had a bunch of choices. I let the caulking dry a few days, and then picked a matching pair, size wise, and stuck them in the nose piece of the frame. AWESOME! The pads help lift the glasses off my nose a bit letting air flow under them and help with the fogging problem. They also work to help stop the glasses from slipping off the bridge of my nose being they are a little sticky. A very simple and easy fix. No more fogging issues.
trail running,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Great weekend training
The above image is created using my Mio Quest GPS enabled watch, with heart rate monitor.
Last Saturday, I was able to nail down another 50 miler in the heat. I have been working on keeping my heart rate constant. Some hills were added in this weeks longer ride, but nothing long. No flats this week.
I guess this could be filed in the "Too Much Information", so for my longer weekend ride, I took my weight before and after Saturday. I lost about 6 pounds which is before I removed my tri-suit and lost another 2 pounds. I guess my clothes soaked up more sweat than I thought. The high humidity must have made the material just hold the water and not let it evaporate.
My running is coming together and getting easier.
This past week I have been pouring over new songs to add to my iPod I run and swim. Previous playlists I have on my player are getting dull and need to be updated. I look to post a new group of "What is on my iPod" playlist as soon as I get it made and stay motivated.
Last Saturday, I was able to nail down another 50 miler in the heat. I have been working on keeping my heart rate constant. Some hills were added in this weeks longer ride, but nothing long. No flats this week.
I guess this could be filed in the "Too Much Information", so for my longer weekend ride, I took my weight before and after Saturday. I lost about 6 pounds which is before I removed my tri-suit and lost another 2 pounds. I guess my clothes soaked up more sweat than I thought. The high humidity must have made the material just hold the water and not let it evaporate.
My running is coming together and getting easier.
This past week I have been pouring over new songs to add to my iPod I run and swim. Previous playlists I have on my player are getting dull and need to be updated. I look to post a new group of "What is on my iPod" playlist as soon as I get it made and stay motivated.
heart rate monitor,
laps music,
mio global,
mp3 player,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Learning from the past and changing the future
Over the past few years I have been training and racing, I have learned a lot about myself and my strategies during racing. Over the last week, I looked back on my training schedule and nutrition from my half Ironman race. During this race I felt very weak at the end and over the 6 hours on was on the course lost about 11 pounds of weight. CRAZY! I was really only concentrating on liquids and gels during the race.
Things I am doing different this time around are:
1. I have started in my training using more solid easy to digest PowerBars and Gel Blasts.
2. I am eating more calories prior to training rides and runs as well as before races.
3. I am taking in more plain water during training.
4. I have started watching my calories being burned wearing my Mio Quest heart rate monitor
Things I am doing different this time around are:
1. I have started in my training using more solid easy to digest PowerBars and Gel Blasts.
2. I am eating more calories prior to training rides and runs as well as before races.
3. I am taking in more plain water during training.
4. I have started watching my calories being burned wearing my Mio Quest heart rate monitor
mio global,
mio watch,
trail running,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Training from last weekend
This past weekend I was able to get my longest ride in this year at 51 miles. On Saturday, I rode the first 20 miles with a local tri group. The last 30 was done with a friend after I had a flat and he stopped and waited while I changed the tube. I am once again working on getting more comfortable in the aero position with some adjustments I have made.
I felt very strong through out, with an average heart rate of 142 for the just under 3 hour ride. A little cloud cover helped hold off the heat so my workout was done before 8am.
On Monday, I took in a 20 mile recovery ride, which was very humid. I stayed away from the hills and just concentrated on a spinning and keeping my heart rate up. The just over an hour ride had my heart rate averaging 136.
My nutrition for both rides this weekend was perfect, with recovery time better than I expected. Using a PowerBar gel still every half hour needed or not, and consuming 40 ounces of water an hour.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio watch,
team elite,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What I am using to track my heart rate.
I can tell you this, if you want to take your outdoor workouts to the next level, the Mio Quest is the way to do it. I have been using the GPS enabled watch for the past three weeks. It takes a little getting used to, but after looking over the instructions you will on your way, and out the door in no time. The Quest has Waypoints, which are locations you can save. After saving the location you can then rename it for easy access for locations you wish to return to later. The watch uses chest strap to gather your heart rate too.
I have been using to track my workouts, the Mio Quest. The heart rate monitor with GPS is able to be downloaded and information can be then uploaded to MapMyRun.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio watch,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Waiting for what?
I am in training for a half-ironman distance race in late October here in Arizona. I have started the training before even signing up. I know a lot of age-groupers don't normally start training for a race until they have dropped money on the entry fee. I don't expect the race registration to close with its limit of athletes. I still feel the pressure in training without registering just yet. Late October will be here before I know it, and with the 113 degree days we have been having here I wish it would come sooner. For the race, I am looking to improve my time from 2008.
Training over the weekend was good. I took a different bike course on Saturday morning. I felt like the hills I normally ride were getting old. I have started more of an intense core workout, letting the light weight workouts slip. I really need to start those back up again.
Training over the weekend was good. I took a different bike course on Saturday morning. I felt like the hills I normally ride were getting old. I have started more of an intense core workout, letting the light weight workouts slip. I really need to start those back up again.
team elite,
Friday, June 24, 2011
Moving right along
This week my swimming came together. Time in the pool just seem to fly by. Focused on drills in the pool and looking forward to scheduling a few open water swims in the new few weeks.
I have one more weekend of testing my sweat rate and should have that all figured out. This weekends training schedule has a 30 mile ride and 6 mile run. Will need to get out of bed just a little bit earlier, as the temperature is pretty hot after the sun is up. Nutrition with my PowerBar Strawberry Crunch protein bars is working out well as my pre-ride/workout energy.
I have one more weekend of testing my sweat rate and should have that all figured out. This weekends training schedule has a 30 mile ride and 6 mile run. Will need to get out of bed just a little bit earlier, as the temperature is pretty hot after the sun is up. Nutrition with my PowerBar Strawberry Crunch protein bars is working out well as my pre-ride/workout energy.
power bar,
powerbar protein plus,
powerbar team elite,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Start of week two, and finding my sweat rate
Last weekend for my training I focused on my hydration. I looked up sweat rate chart to help me figure out what I need to replace. During a just over two hour ride I lost two pounds, or 1 percent of my body weight. To replace what I lost sweating I needed to replace it by drinking 61 ounces of liquid an hour. I have been using just water to hydrate with in my bottles on the bike, letting the electrolytes in my PowerBar gels and gel Blasts do their job. I might take the test again this next weekend. The weather was cooler so I think I might have not been sweating as much. Run/Swim brick tonight.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Week one almost done
Almost through the first week of training and it is going smooth. I am still struggling with my hydration.
My swim Thursday night, .71 o of a mile was great. Turned on the H2O Audio and off I went. During the swims I worked on full pulls and bilateral breathing and focused on my position in the water. Waking up I was a little tight this morning, a little stretching and its gone.
Looking forward to some great workouts this weekend.
My swim Thursday night, .71 o of a mile was great. Turned on the H2O Audio and off I went. During the swims I worked on full pulls and bilateral breathing and focused on my position in the water. Waking up I was a little tight this morning, a little stretching and its gone.
Looking forward to some great workouts this weekend.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Let the training begin
Last week I got in just over 125 miles in on the bike during training, only to finish it off Sunday with a flat tire just under a mile away from my house. After taking out the tube in my tire, I found a piece of brown glass that worked its way through the tire and eventually punctured the tube. Fixed it pretty quickly and was back on the road home. Over the past week I have learned in just my recovery on how much I need to increase my fluid intake on the bike and just in general day to day.
Today, June 13, starts my training program for a half-iron distance race in late October. The training pretty much has me going five days a week, with two rest days. I am looking forward to the training I will do and trying to follow this plan as closely as I can.
Today, June 13, starts my training program for a half-iron distance race in late October. The training pretty much has me going five days a week, with two rest days. I am looking forward to the training I will do and trying to follow this plan as closely as I can.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
More comfort in the water

custom headphones,
gold canyon hearing,
H2O Audio,
laps music,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Hope everyone can "hear" me when I say this!

H2O Audio,
laps music,
Monday, May 23, 2011
Starting up after a little time off

Back to the training.
Not that it was training at all, but I have been able to get the kids more involved by riding in the trailer for short 5 mile rides in last week. The both of them add an extra 65 pounds. Pretty good workout. The rides are fun, and making good use of the few cool evenings before the summer heat arrives.
How my training is going to change. My run has always been the low part of my racing. I am going to try and focus on improving my run off the bike with more brick workouts in the next few weeks. Looking forward to some great workouts in the next few weeks and longer ones over the weekends.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Seville Sports Club Sprint Tri

Swim 300 YARDS in time of 6:41
Suit: two piece tri suit
Course: pool swim, serpentine
Start type: in water, holding the edge with swimmers being started every 15 seconds
Water temp: heated pool
Breathing: very comfortable Drafting: none, but found myself hugging the lane line pretty close
Performance: Kept calm and executed clipping on my number belt and putting my helmet on, then out on the bike course.
Jump on bike: Right at the mount line, shoes already on bike
Bike 15.4 MILE in time of 43:54
Just getting up to speed to slow down for the right hand turns out on the course.
Race pace: Very Comfortable Drinks: used exactly what I put in my aerobottle with nothing left.
Course: 3 laps around sub-division
Pulled the shoes on, no socks and out on the run course
Run 2 MILE in time of 18:39
Performance: good pace
Course: out one mile and back one mile to the finish
Drinking used water along the course to sip very little and dump over my head and back to keep cool
Total time 1:09:12 taking 3rd in the the Clydesdale Division
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Still need to work on my run. The bike to run felt better than ever, no problem getting my legs moving.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
race report,
team elite,
Friday, May 13, 2011
Two days away from race day!
I am ready!
Training has went great the past few months. I am starting to play the course in my head. I still need to pack my small bag later tonight and pick up my packet tomorrow. Nerves and excitement start just as I will try to sleep tomorrow night. My ultimate goal is to beat my time from last year, but also place high in my division. The later all depends on the other locals who show up. Thank you to everyone who has helped me through my training and along the way.
Training has went great the past few months. I am starting to play the course in my head. I still need to pack my small bag later tonight and pick up my packet tomorrow. Nerves and excitement start just as I will try to sleep tomorrow night. My ultimate goal is to beat my time from last year, but also place high in my division. The later all depends on the other locals who show up. Thank you to everyone who has helped me through my training and along the way.
mio global,
mio watch,
power bar,
powerbar team elite,
Friday, May 6, 2011
I found a perfect app for that!

Last weekend while riding, I found out just as I pulled out of my garage, I was not able to access my large chain ring. Instead of canceling the ride I still got out to ride. I figured on my ride I would either stop by my local bike store or find some how to work my magic mechanic skills and get it fixed. Lucky for me I was able to locate a computer app called Bike Repair, available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android.
When it comes to mechanics, I am not exactly a NASCAR pit crew member. The simple easy to use app, walked me through a front derailleur adjustment which fixed my problem. The app has a full menu of repairs to fix your bike. Follow the simple part of the bike that needs fixing, a list of possible problems with that part come up, in which you answer them pinpointing your repair. The great detailed photos with text walk you through the steps.
As someone that wants to save some money and feel the accomplishment of fixing your own ride this app is a must. Leave the the visits to the bike shop simply to visit the lonely repair techs, after you download this gem for yourself.
So with the month of May being National Bike Month, fix your ride and get out on the road. What is stopping you?
I look forward to using this app to combat other repairs I might have down the road.
bike repair,
bike repair app,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
End of the month, excitement builds
Dang, the month of April has flown by. My training is almost at it's peak. Another strong two weeks and then the short taper. My morning running has been enjoyable with the cooler weather. The motivation to get up in the morning and get my first workout, normally my run, is getting easier. This weekend I hope to meet up with a new group of riders and do a group ride. My riding in the past three months has been normally done alone. I feel I should be able to keep up with the group, we will she how it goes. I am almost to my ideal racing weight, which is.....(?) now, now, I won't go telling what I weigh. I am looking forward to race day about two weeks from now. I end this blog post with a good saying I found a while back online and have been living by it.
You heard about the butterfly that struggled out of the cocoon right? A man saw the butterflies struggle and helped clear away the cocoon. Because the butterfly wasn't able to develop his wings through the struggle, it was never able to fly. Struggle is always part of the journey.
You heard about the butterfly that struggled out of the cocoon right? A man saw the butterflies struggle and helped clear away the cocoon. Because the butterfly wasn't able to develop his wings through the struggle, it was never able to fly. Struggle is always part of the journey.
team elite,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
About a month away to race day
My first race of the season is just about a month away. My training sessions are becoming both morning and night for the next few weeks to prepare for this. With being under the weather longer than expected, I feel I am little behind on my workouts. My workouts have become very focused not wanting to waste time. In my mind I am starting to go over the course and my plan in my head. I have been on this course before so I feel just doing that has me prepared, as well as knowing what my nutrition should be. Hard to tell what the weather will be like being a month out, but I am planing on it getting a little warmer here. Just staying injury free and keep plugging away at the training.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Training is going smooth.

I have had some great quality workouts in the past week. I think my allergies have gone away for now. The routes I have ridden have focused on hills, only to get my heart rate up. My next race, a little over a month from now is an all flat bike course. While out riding on Saturday, one of the two bottles I have mounted on my seat carrier just broke off. The welds just gave way. With the hot temperatures I was forced to turn around an retrieve the bottle knowing I would need it for later. I have started just using plain water in my bottles and using the gels every half hour.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Back at it
Early last week I was had to put a hold on the training. A stomach bug hit me for three days followed by my allergies flared up for the last 4 days making breathing very difficult. Tonight I returned to a light weight workout with some core training too. I have a tough few weeks ahead of me training wise, but it should be fun. The weather outlook for the next week has the temps creeping into the mid 90's.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Great weekend training
I had a great weekend training. Weather is perfect outside. I'm stepping up my training this week with just under 2 months to my next race. Heart rate monitor training with my Mio Quest is right on track. With my late afternoon rides lately coming close to dusk I'm going to have to start the waking up early before work schedule to get my training in and scale the evening workout to running.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Warmer weather is here to stay
Today's high hit around 92 degrees, with summer just around the corner. This means earlier workouts are in the plans. Trying to avoid the heat by having to get out and ride or run before the blistering sun rises. Today I got a 15 mile ride in just before the sun went down.
My next race is two months away from today. I am feeling halfway prepared with a lot of work to be done in the pool and around the track. I was excited last weekend I was able to run my first negative split mile, with 20 seconds to spare. Feeling my running is on the right path.
My next race is two months away from today. I am feeling halfway prepared with a lot of work to be done in the pool and around the track. I was excited last weekend I was able to run my first negative split mile, with 20 seconds to spare. Feeling my running is on the right path.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Working on my run
I have never been a strong runner and I am not afraid to admit it. For the past two years I have worked on my running here a there and feel I have become stronger at it, but it could still get better. My run distance has increased in the past few weeks with the training I am doing for sprint race in May. I have found some drills to work with and look to see if this will help my times any in the weeks to come.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Mio Quest
**********2015 UPDATE to this POST************
This device is not longer in production
I can tell you this, if you want to take your outdoor workouts to the next level, the Mio Quest is the way to do it. I have been using the GPS enabled watch for the past three weeks. It takes a little getting used to, but after looking over the instructions you will on your way, and out the door in no time. The Quest has Waypoints, which are locations you can save. After saving the location you can then rename it for easy access for locations you wish to return to later. The watch uses chest strap to gather your heart rate too.
heart rate monitor,
mio global,
mio watch,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My BioAge is.......
Using the Fitstik I sat down this evening and performed a very easy and simple test wearing a heart rate strap. This test was done in under a minute and found out that my BioAge is 41, adding 2 years to my real age. I am hoping the training I am doing and stress reducing techniques will help bring this number down to my real or shooting downward even past it. A very cool test and just one of three that can be performed with the Fitstik. The other two tests I will take, in the next two days will be the HealthMeter and CardioCapacity tests.
mio global,
mio watch,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Trail runs planned
I have been wanting to get out and hit the trails for awhile and this weekend is looking pretty good. My shoes are really trail ready, but it will beat the pavement. A local regional park is not to far from my house. When I was preparing for my first marathon back in 2007 I hit this park every weekend for my long runs with friends. It will be different to see how the trails have held up.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
45 mile training ride, great weather

Monday, February 7, 2011
Mio Energy Pro= Awesome Training Tool
So for the past almost month now I have been using the Mio Energy Pro during my training. The heart rate monitor is not recommended for the pool which is not a problem. Really how many people are stopping to monitor there heart rate while swimming. I am mainly concerned with my training on the bike and run, training in a zone that will be used in my up coming races. I have set the "beep" on my watch to warn me if I am out of my zone while training. I have been working out in Zone 4 which will be my goal to keep in a race. I am fighting some chest congestion but with the warmer weather coming back to Arizona, I look forward to getting out in the fresh air for better training.
heart rate monitor,
mio watch,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Awesome bike spin
Tonight I completed a 50 min bike spin in Zone 4 or higher. The Mio Energy Pro heart rate monitor I use lets you know the time I spent in the zone I programmed it and below and above that zone. I averaged a heart rate of 145 BPM with 45 min being in my target zone which my training has me doing. For about 5 minutes I let the heart rate get a little higher going out of my Zone 4.
When I talk about Zones, there are 5 of them which are
Healthy Heart Zone -- 50-60% HRM
Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) 60-70% HRM
Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) 70-80% HRM
Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training 80-90% HRM
Red Line (Max Effort) 90-100% HRM
Aerobic Zone will improve cardio function and increase the size and strength of the heart 50% of the calories burned come from fat.
Anaerobic Zone will improve VO2max. You will be able to fight fatigue better. 15% calories burned are from fat.
When I talk about Zones, there are 5 of them which are
Healthy Heart Zone -- 50-60% HRM
Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) 60-70% HRM
Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) 70-80% HRM
Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training 80-90% HRM
Red Line (Max Effort) 90-100% HRM
Aerobic Zone will improve cardio function and increase the size and strength of the heart 50% of the calories burned come from fat.
Anaerobic Zone will improve VO2max. You will be able to fight fatigue better. 15% calories burned are from fat.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Day one of new training program complete
Half hour spin on the bike, in Zone 3, a 1 mile run in Zone 4 and a 900 yard swim completed my first day of training. I didn't need swim, however I wanted to get back in the water and work on a few drills.
My program has me working out 6 days a week, but I might end up cutting that back to 5, but will see how the first week goes.
My program has me working out 6 days a week, but I might end up cutting that back to 5, but will see how the first week goes.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
New training program starts Monday (tomorrow)
With my next race, an Olympic distance tri, in May, my training program begins tomorrow. I am setting out to focus on improving my swim and run times. This will be hard, but know what has to be done. I want to finish in the top five as my ultimate goal, but also am looking at beating my time on this course in which I was on a year ago. The Mio Energy Pro I wear will help my training be more focused, and I am looking forward to that.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Next race registration sent in
The registration for my next race, in the middle of May, has been sent in. The race is an olympic distance triathlon with a pool swim. My training really buckles down a week from today. I am looking forward to some good training coming up. During my training I am working on a video showing how I use the Mio Energy Pro heart rate monitor. A great tool for training. There are a few areas of my racing I will be addressing in weeks to come.
mio watch,
powerbar team elite,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Mio Energy Pro
For the past week I have been training with the Mio Energy Pro. What a great training tool. I have been using the model with the chest strap, so I get an instant read out of my heart rate. For three rides this past week I worked out in Zone 3, meaning my heart rate was between 70% to 80% of my maximum heart rate. Yesterday I rode my first ride of 30 minutes staying in Zone 4, which is 80% to 90% of my maximum heart rate. The watch gives you a heart rate read out with small numbers next to letting you know your percentage of your max. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Mio Global added as a sponsor

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