Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Couldn't do it on my own

Couldn't do it on my own this time. Finally, I have made an appointment and seen a foot doctor to help with my right foot.  The intense pain in the heel had made it tough to walk around, let alone get my workouts in.  Stayed away from running for over well over a month and a half now. The stretching treatments I have been doing at home with a following up of an ice, Frozen Peaz, treatment has been making the pain go away, but it does return in time. 

The doctor taped it up with athletic tape for a week, starting today.  Doing this to help relieve the inflammation. I return in a week to see the progress and move on from there. 
I have been working on adding more foam rolling into my routine and will be very aggressive in doing it daily.  I need to not only work on my feet, but tight calves and hamstrings, as this is affecting my feet too.
Looking like it will end with getting a pair of custom orthotics to correct the issue all together.   

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