Tuesday, November 19, 2019

100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge for 2019

As of today, 11/19/2019, I have logged already 137 miles of the 200 mile challenge. 

I’ve signed up again. It’s a good reason to keep active in the winter months, even though for me that was going to happen anyways. 

I live and work in Maricopa County, here in Arizona. I have signed up for their 100 Miles in 100 Days Challenge. Helping promote getting outside and being active. With the holidays and busy schedules it sometimes is hard. The county’s parks provide over 420 miles of outdoor adventure. Many of the trails on in Usery Regional Park and San Tan Regional Park I have ventured on either running, hiking or mountain biking.  I try to keep my training from hitting lows during the time of year, but I took on the challenge wanting to keep up my training over the winter months. The miles are calculated using your GPS device or you can download their app they created for the challenge. Hikers and runners need to get in 100 miles while the mountain bikers and horseback riders need to reach a distance of 200 miles. There are some other requirements that must be met to finish the challenge. Take a look here for more info, or if you're interested in signing up yourself, for locals here in Arizona. 

Besides getting a t-shirt when you have finished the distance, some of the county parks hold a little celebration when it is over. Finishers also get their names entered in a drawing to receive a yearly county park pass. 
Since the challenge started on November 1, 2019 for this year, my mountain biking, put in the category where I would need to hit 200 miles. Hitting weekend morning 11 or more mile loops in the park I could get the distance in. 
Over this past three day weekend I was able to log over 50 mountain bike miles, really meaning around 25 that would go towards the challenge. 

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