Friday, June 8, 2018

Focusing on running.....well kind of

I have begun to really focus on my running. I have a trail run on my calendar for November.  So the past few weeks I have begun focusing more on my running. The training runs have moved to early morning to avoid the heat of the summer here in Arizona. I am feeling stronger and getting faster already. I am not out to set any record breaking times or anything but just finish it. Tried a few new pairs of shoes and am really leaning towards the HOKA ONE ONE Speed Goat trail running shoe.  The two pairs of my own shoes, I am using right now are breaking down. I will need to get a new pair of shoes before too long. The race is 14 miles long, so just over the half-marathon mark. My training so far has been on streets and sidewalks. I will need to get out on the trail soon and get used to the uneven trails with rocks every so often. 

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