Thursday, October 27, 2011

All about the Family

 After a hard day in the sun, Sunday during the SOMA half-iron race, running across the finish line with my son made the finish line much sweeter.  My son was not yet awake when I left the house to get to the race site, however he knew I was racing.  He helped me the day before pick up my packet and drop off my bike at the transition. A little over three hours into the race I seen my wife with our daughter and son on the bike course.  I reached out and gave my son a "high-five".  I was excited to see them out there. I started to think how excited my son was but then thought its going to be awhile until I get around the course again to see them.  My son has been there when I got home after early morning workouts where he would ask me, "Dad did you go riding on the mountain?" or "Dad did you go running?".  During my training he also came along with my brother and paddled along in a kayak while I did an open water swim.  After the run course I knew my wife with our kids would be waiting near the finish line.  About 100 yards out from the line, I spotted them and like in previous years, I picked up my son and ran carrying him across the finish with me.  He was all smiles and super excited.  When it comes down to it, it is my family that allows me to go out and training and compete.  Longer races mean more  time out training.  I hope one day my son will want to give doing a triathlon a try, who knows maybe he can carry me across the finish line to share the excitement with him. 

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